
New app, who dis? We secure calls with your Builton API key and a JSON Web Token. Here's how to use them.

Your BuiltOn API Key

This is found in your BuiltOn dashboard in Settings. Every request must have it included in the X-Builton-Api-Key Header.

X-Builton-Api-Key: <builton-api-key>

Here is how it would look like if you were to list your products:

GET /products HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Builton-Api-Key: <builton-api-key>

The JSON Web Tokens

You'll get these from your Authentication Provider, or create them yourself if you're using a custom authentication solution. Once you've set that up in the dashboard, you'll use those JWTs to connect with our APIs using the Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer <jwt>

Here's how they'd look if you were creating a user:

POST /users HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <jwt>
X-Builton-Api-Key: <builton-api-key>

Make sure to includeBearerbefore the JWT.

Last updated