BuiltOn API Documentation

This page is an overview of what our APIs are and all the resources you have to help use them.

What are the BuiltOn APIs

The BuiltOn APIs are a standard JSON RESTful API. They follow the HTTP standards as often as possible, but there might be some deviations from it in some specific scenarios. All responses from the API, including errors, are returned as JSON objects.

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Welcome to the Party, Pal.

These APIs were created to make it faster and easier for you to build, automate and digitalize a business. Plus, you get access to ML tools that would take a data science team ages to create. Our Building Blocks store your data cleanly and hook it up directly to recommendation and similarity models out-of-the-box from day 1. You also can play with tools to create your own ML models.

We’ve built the boring stuff and given you the smart tools you need. Now go focus on the cool stuff.

Getting Started

This section is pretty self explanatory. You have to do a few things to use the APIs. We walk you through it here.

Nuts & Bolts

These are the fundamentals that are common throughout our APIs. How do you expand objects, handle pagination, what do errors look like? For those general rules, check these out to better understand how to work with our APIs. Maybe start here.

Building Blocks

These are the references for the APIs you'll use to make your build. Our Building Blocks are the big, boring-to-reproduce foundations that digital businesses are built on, e.g.; Users, Products, Orders, Payments, Subscriptions, etc. Look there to find parameters, example requests and responses and more detail about functionality for each block.

Blueprints (Use Cases)

These are walkthroughs of how our Building Blocks can be put together. You'll find use cases and code snippets that we hope will give you a more complete picture about how all these parts fit together. Are you just trying to sell a thing? Do you want your users to subscribe for a service? These are a few examples of what you can do, with more Blueprints to come.

Machine Learning

All the Building Blocks are designed to feed our ML tools. No more cleaning data, no more setting up your data science platform, and then your pipeline, and then making algorithms, and then blah blah blah. Your data is just connected. We have Simple ML APIs that give you a range of out-of-the-box recommendation, similarity and complementary models you can use to improve your customer experience.


We have a few SDKs to help you get moving faster. We have intros to them here, but check out our JavaScript SDK, Python SDK and our Node SDK repos for more details. Get instant access to modules like Payments, User Management and Authentication, Products, Orders, Subscriptions and more.

Last updated