Setup an Authentication Provider

So you want to have users, huh?

How to Get Authed

Find out more about our BuiltOn API key, the JWT you'll need and how we handle Authentication here. For the JWT, either do your own custom auth solution or use Firebase, Cognito or Auth0. Below is some guidance on how to set them up.

Google Firebase

Obviously, Google has docs on how to do this. But here's a walkthrough of what you need to do:

  1. Set up a Firebase account.

  2. In Firebase, add a new project and enter a name for it.

  3. Under Develop, click on Authentication, then the Sign-In Method tab and choose the Sign-In Provider you want to use. Enable the slider and be sure to Save.

  4. Go to Settings (the cog icon next to Project Overview) and get your Project ID.

  5. On your BuiltOn Dashboard, go to Settings -> Auth Providers -> select Firebase and fill in the Project ID.

Amazon Cognito

Unsurprisingly, Amazon has (less good) docs on how to do this. Here's some guidance on how to go about getting it set up:

  1. Have an AWS account.

  2. Do Stuff.

  3. Get your User Pool ID and App Client ID.

  4. On your BuiltOn Dashboard, go to Settings -> Auth Providers -> select Cognito and fill in the User Pool ID and Client ID.


Auth0 has (really good) docs on how to do this. Here's the gist of what you'll do:

  1. Get an Auth0 account.

  2. Go to Application Settings on your Auth0 Dashboard.

  3. On your BuiltOn Dashboard, go to Settings -> Auth Providers -> select Auth0 and fill in the Client ID and Domain.

Custom OAuth2

If you are issuing your own JWT tokens, please follow the steps below. We only support HS256 algorithm on self-issued tokens

  1. On your BuiltOn Dashboard, go to Settings -> Auth Providers -> select Custom and fill in the your Client ID and Client Secret.

Last updated