Reserve Payments

You can capture a payment amount from a user before you charge them, ensuring they have the amount needed before they use your product.

A Reserved payment is similar to a regular payment with two major differences:

  • A Reserved Payment has to be captured

  • A Reserved Payment can be cancelled

If you'd like to reserve a payment for a Product, define the attribute reserved_price for that product and the BuiltOn API will create a Reserved Payment when that product is placed in an Order. The payment created for that order will have amount_reserved attribute set based on the reserved_price for all products in the Order.

In the customer's bank, the money will be put in a 'reserved' status, but not be withdrawn until the payment is complete.

A Reserved Payment has been created with a Stripe Payment Method will be automatically cancelled by Stripe after 7 days if it is not confirmed (captured).

Capture a Payment






The amount you want to capture. If it's not defined, then the payment will be charged normally.

Cancel a Payment

A payment can be cancelled only if the current_state is one of these states: created, pending, reserved.






Must be one of the following: duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer and abandoned.

Last updated